* Denotes Required Inputs

* Denotes Required Inputs

CITA Membership Application General Information

* Denotes Required Inputs

Welcome and congratulations on applying for membership to the CITA. Your membership application will be presented to the CITA Board of Directors for approval upon receiving all required documents and payment of membership fee. To help your application process, please have ready:

  • Company biography/description
  • Company contact details including a generic reservation email address
  • Company logo to be uploaded
  • Copy of your Trade and Business license to be uploaded
  • Copy of any other licenses (like liquor license, etc) to be uploaded

Required for approval:

  • Member fee payment
  • Copy of Trade and Business License
  • Copy of any other applicable license required
  • Signed CITA Code of Ethics
  • Signed CITA Watersports Guidelines (where applicable)
Thank you and welcome to the CITA.

Annual membership fee (self calculating) (CI$)

Price: CI$0.00


(Primary Contact/ Representative)

Information as you wish it to appear for free listings that are included as a benefit in your CITA membership.

Please provide the requested details, which will be used to provide you with the benefits received as part of your CITA membership. These will include:

  • CITA website
  • Member features
  • Digital listing on any CITA-related circulations

Please note, not all listings will include all information you provide! The information used will vary from listing to listing.

Social Media


Payment Information

- Invoice will be sent for the payment

* Denotes Required Inputs

GET INVOLVED! Benefit from CITA Annual Events and Initiatives:

Please indicate areas of interest in order to receive invitations to committee meetings to volunteer and get involved (for local businesses only)
Get additional key contacts involved:
Provide us with a list of key contacts in your company who need to know more information pertaining to a certain aspect of CITA's communication (accounts, HR, general news, etc).

Primary Contact

Secondary Contact

Membership Card Program

Membership Cards will be distributed with a list of benefits to all members

Complete your Membership Application with the right documents
Please include the following with your membership application:

CITA Mission & Code of Ethics


The Cayman Islands Tourism Association (CITA) provides leadership, guidance and appropriate services for the benefit of its members and so contributes to a viable and sustainable tourism industry.


The code of ethics requires each member to commit to:

  • Recognize and affirm the right of the customer to receive courteous, prompt and honest service.
  • Maintain high standards and fair practices in all business transactions.
  • Accord customers of all cultural origins equal respect and consideration.
  • Price goods and services fairly, clearly and unambiguously in Cayman Islands and/or US Dollars.
  • Ensure that advertising is accurate and truthful, free of any device which could create a misleading impression or otherwise be contrary to public interest.
  • Establish and maintain procedures for the prompt handling of complaints, ensuring that all inquiries, refunds and returns of goods (where applicable) are dealt with properly and reasonably.
  • Keep proper books of account and conduct all affairs in a professional manner.
  • Uphold and observe all laws and regulations pertaining to their establishment.
  • Discharge all responsibilities to employees by observing all laws and regulations, by giving proper training and instruction, by providing adequate working conditions and equipment and facilities, and supervising standards of safety and work practice.
  • Act in an environmentally responsible way to protect the Cayman Islands topside and underwater environment.
  • Uphold the interests and reputation of the Cayman Islands as a quality destination for visitors and travelers, offering friendly, hospitable service.
  • Keep sensitive information and discussions held in CITA committee and other meetings confidential until an official statement is made.
  • Make media statements on behalf of the CITA only after approval and briefing by relevant members of the Board of CITA or CITA President.
  • Abide by the code of ethics and safety as prescribed by CITA from time to time, and use best endeavors wherever possible to trade and do business with fellow Members of CITA in preference to other non-members. {Article 61}.

As a member of the Cayman Islands Tourism Association our company will commit to the Code of Ethics as outline above.

Typing your name here serves as your signature to state that all information on this application is true and accurate, and that you agree to abide by CITA's Code of Ethics.

Date: 2025-Jan-16

Membership Value

You can look forward to the following and more from your Active membership (for local business only)

  • Membership Card
  • Inclusion in CITA Staycation Promotion
  • Promotions with the Department of Tourism
  • General Meetings
  • Marketing Meetings
  • Mix n Mingle Events
  • News and updates on industry interest
  • Inclusion in CITA Official Map, Tourism Magazine, CITA website listing, Cayman Visitor mobile app (basic listing)
  • Representation at Trade Conferences & Government Meetings/ Liaison

Thank you for your continued support.

Questions? Please give us a call or visit our office on West Bay Road. Please send the completed application, photo copy of above documents and payment to:

PO Box 31086. Grand Cayman KY1-1205. Phone: 345-949-8522 or Fax: 345-946-8522

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